How to collect urine sample for testing ?

Only use the special container provided by the laboratory to collect urine sample. Do not use any bottle or container available at home. Make sure you do not touch the inside of the urine sample bottle or the top edge

Wash the private parts with soap and water properly before collecting the urine. For boys, try and lightly retract the foreskin over the penis while washing and collecting the sample. For girls, separate the labia while washing and collecting sample.

Let a little bit of urine out first for 2 seconds and then directly collect into the container provided. Do not transfer the urine from another container or squeeze bedsheets or nappy pads into the container.

Screw the lid of the container tightly and take the sample immediately to the laboratory for testing. If you are unable to take it at that moment, then put the sample in the refrigerator for some time instead of leaving it elsewhere. Do not keep the sample in the freezer/frosting section of the refrigerator.