Celebrating World Kidney Day
Open-Top Bus Tour, Mumbai
Out-reach Program
Training Paediatricians, Pune
About Us
Dr. Uma Ali
Founder Member Senior Pediatric Nephrologist SRCC Children’s Hospital Mumbai
Kidney diseases in children remain undiagnosed due to poor awareness among laypersons as well as health professionals .They are also inadequately treated due to the limited number of pediatric nephrologists in the country; less than 200 pediatric nephrologists to cater to the world’s largest child population of 400 million children.
In an effort to be the voice of and for children with kidney diseases Dr Uma Ali, former head of the Pediatric Nephrology division, BJ Wadia Hospital for children and Dr Preeti Shanbag former head of the Pediatric Nephrology division at LTMG hospital, Mumbai joined hands with five other colleagues : Dr Varsha Phadke from KJ Somaiya Hospital, Dr. Vaishali More, Dr.Shashank Parekhji, Dr.Atul Deokar, Dr. Alpana Ohri from BJ Wadia Hospital for Children and formed the Kidney Foundation for Children in 2014. This is a not-for-profit foundation that currently has 32 members from various cities; Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Nagpur, Dhule, Loni, Ahmedabad and Baroda.
What We Do
Dr. Preeti Shanbag
Founder Member Professor of Pediatrics ESI –PGIMSR Model Hospital, Mumbai
The Outreach Program
The kidney Foundation for children has been conducting outreach programs for pediatricians in smaller towns and districts of Maharashtra where there are no pediatric nephrologists. Pediatricians are trained to do a simple form of dialysis that can be easily and safely done at the bedside to save the lives of children who develop acute kidney injury. 34 workshops have been conducted so far and 1736 pediatricians from smaller towns have participated in these workshops.
Dr. Vaishali More
Pediatric Nephrologist SRCC Children’s Hospital Mumbai
Community Programs
Screening school children for high blood pressure
Over 1600 children in 10 schools from Mumbai, Thane and Pune have been checked for high blood pressure. Approximately 3% of children from lower income group and 9 % of children from the middle income were detected with high blood pressure Sedentary lifestyles and junk eating leading to obesity are the main causes of high blood pressure in children. Lifestyle changes and weight reduction may help to lower BP. Some children might need medications. Uncontrolled high BP may adversely affect the heart and kidneys and can even lead to stroke in later life.
Dr. Varsha Phadkee
Professor of Pediatrics KJ Somaiya Hospital Mumbai
Patient Support Programs & Funding Advanced Care
We organize get together with entertainment combined with education for children with kidney diseases and their care givers once a year. We try and raise funds to help underprivileged children with kidney failure who need dialysis or kidney transplantation. Help has been mainly from our supporters and other individual donors. Generous donations are needed as many children from lower and middle socioeconomic status require help for advanced kidney care.
Dr. Jyoti Sharma
Pediatric Nephrologist KEM Hospital, Pune
Appeals to the Government
We have sent appeals to the government of Maharashtra for making continuous peritoneal dialysis free for children below five years of age as it their only lifeline. We have also appealed to subsidize the cost for dialysis in older children, abolish tax on dialysis disposables and make immunosuppressive medications free for the first year after kidney transplantation.
Dr. Pankaj Bhansali
Pediatric Nephrologist Nimay Hospital Aurangabad
Advanced Educational Programs
Every year we conduct an advanced educational program for pediatric nephrologists and trainees .Educational programs conducted so far have been on nephropathology, continuous renal replacement therapies in PICU, kidney transplantation in children, bladder problems and hemolytic uremic syndrome
Dr. Manoj Matnani
Pediatric Nephrologist DY Patil Medical College Pune
Awards Won
The Kidney Foundation for Children was awarded the first prize for the most successful Kidney Foundation Activities from the International Federation for Kidney Foundations at the 18th IFKF Conference held at Chennai India, 2018
Our Partners
Institution Partners in our Training Programs
International Pediatric Nephrology
Association (IPNA)
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
BKL Walawalkar Rural Medical College, Dervan, Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra
Local branches of Indian Academy
of Pediatrics (IAP)
Local branches of Indian Indian
Medical Association (IMA)
Education Partners in Community Programs
(Matunga West)
Vidyamandir (Bandra East)
- Samyata School, Uruli Devachi
- Sharadchandraji Pawar School, Vadu Budruk
- Shri Bhairavnath Vidya Mandir, Pabal
- Ramanlal Shah secondary school, Phursungi
Dr Kumud Mehta
Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist Jaslok Hospital
Kumud Pravin Mehta Charitable Trust
Dr Anjali Tendulkar
Trustee, Sachin Tendulkar Trust
Sandhya Gokhale
Lawyer and Film Maker
Srinivasan Natarajan
Associate Vice President
Infosys Ltd.
Vaidyanadhan Iyer
Corporate Lawyer
Senior Partner, AZB and Partners