Kidney Foundation for Children

"A bridge from Hope to Reality"

Our Mission

To facilitate Kidney Care so that Every Child with kidney disease gets

 the ‘Right Care’ at the ‘Right Time’ in the ‘Right Manner’

Did you Know?

1 in 10 adults in the world suffer from chronic kidney disease. Many of these begin in childhood but go unrecognized

Kidney is a silent organ. Symptoms are not obvious until nearly eighty percent of the function is lost

Swelling over the face, red coloured urine, frothy urine , passing too little or too much urine are some of the symptoms of kidney diseases

Quick facts about Kidney Foundation for Children

Year of Establishment of the Foundation
Pediatricians attended our Dialysis Workshop
School children screened for High Blood Pressure
Members Associated with the Foundation

Keep your Kids’ Kidneys safe

Seven Golden Rules

  1. Let your child drink plenty of water. A school going child should have 6 to 7 glasses of water daily
  2. Do not let your child hold back urine. A child should pass urine at least 6 to 8 times in the day
  3. Reduce eating salty foods like pickles, papads, wafers, chips and soya sauce
  4. Do not give strong medications for fever such as ibuprofen or mefenamic acid. It can sometimes harm the kidney. For fever use medications that contain only paracetamol
  5. Do not give untested medications expecting miraculous cures. Many of these untested medications have heavy metals that may harm the kidney
  6. Let your child have at least one hour of outdoor physical activity daily. Encourage participation in sports, dance or gymnastics. This will prevent your child from getting overweight. Obese or overweight children are at risk of high blood pressure and added burden on the kidney.
  7. If your child has a kidney problem that has lasted for more than 3 months or has a high blood creatinine then your child needs special attention. You must consult a specialist in kidney disease for children (Pediatric Nephrologist)

Words from parents who have walked the path

"Children with serious kidney diseases do not always get permanent kidney damage"

Roshni Kutty, PhD Scholar

Academy of Conservation Science & Sustainability Studies, ATREE Bengaluru, India

“My daughter developed acute kidney failure when she was 8 years old due to a rare disease called aHUS. She underwent several sessions of dialysis, plasma exchange and received strong medications. Although it took long, she recovered completely. She has mildly increased blood pressure which is under control with medications. Today she is young 16-year-old happy, college going girl. Right treatment at the right time can save your child’s life and kidneys”

"It is safe to donate your kidney"

Ganesh Solanki (80 years)

Former School Principal Indore, India

“I donated my kidney to my granddaughter 5 years ago when I was 75 years old. I could not see her suffering on dialysis. The doctors found that my health was excellent. I had no problems during or after the surgery. I am now 80 years old. My health is good. I am active. I do all my work myself. I cycle to the market daily. My granddaughter is in the 10th standard and will go to college next year”

Wish to make a difference?

If you wish to volunteer kindly write to us at 

Acknowledgement:  Divir and Paras for volunteering to maintain and update this website.